Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Alternative Energy Sources

It is urgent that we develop alternative energy sources to meet our energy needs. We now understand and realize that fossil fuels (natural gas, coal and oil) have two major disadvantages. First, fossil fuels are not an abundant source. According to our Earth Science book, fossil fuels will only last about 170 years. If we only depend on fossil fuels, it will create chaos when these sources are depleted from the Earth. The second major disadvantage of fossil fuels is that they are harmful to our environment. We recently experienced a tragedy in the Gulf Coast due to oil drilling. This is just one incident in a long list of environmental tragedies that happen due to our need of fossil fuels. In class we read about alternative energy sources that can be used in place of fossil fuels. We know that there are six other energy sources; solar energy, nuclear energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, tidal power.


1) Research one alternative enregy source from the six above.

2) How is energy collected from this alternative source?

3) What are the advantages of using this energy source?

4) How is this source good for the environment?

5) What are the disadvantages of using this source?

6) What states and countries use this source?